Crate wasmtime_environ[][src]

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Standalone environment for WebAssembly using Cranelift. Provides functions to translate get_global, set_global, memory.size, memory.grow, call_indirect that hardcode in the translation the base addresses of regions of memory that will hold the globals, tables and linear memories.



Iterates through all LibCall members and all runtime exported functions.

Helper macro to iterate over all builtin functions and their signatures.


An index type for builtin functions.

Compiled function: machine code body, jump table offsets, and unwind information.

Function and its instructions addresses mappings.

Contains function data: byte code and its offset in the module.

Type representing the size of a pointer for the current compilation host

The type signature of known instances.

Single source location to generated address mapping.

A WebAssembly linear memory initializer.

A WebAssembly linear memory description along with our chosen style for implementing it.

A translated WebAssembly module, excluding the function bodies and memory initializers.

Object containing the standalone environment information.

The type signature of known modules.

The result of translating via ModuleEnvironment. Function bodies are not yet translated, and data initializers have not yet been copied out of the original buffer.

A record of a relocation to perform.

The offset within a function of a GC safepoint, and its associated stack map.

A WebAssembly table initializer.

A WebAssembly table description along with our chosen style for implementing it.

Target specific type for shared signature index.

Information about trap.

Tunable parameters for WebAssembly compilation.

All types which are recorded for the entirety of a translation.

This class computes offsets to fields within VMContext and other related structs that JIT code accesses directly.

Used to construct a VMOffsets


An error while compiling WebAssembly to machine code.

Initialization routines for creating an instance, encompassing imports, modules, instances, aliases, etc.

The type of WebAssembly linear memory initialization to use for a module.

Implemenation styles for WebAssembly linear memory.

Memory definition offset in the VMContext structure.

Different types that can appear in a module.

Where module values can come from when creating a new module from a compiled artifact.

Destination function. Can be either user function or some special one, like memory.grow.

Implementation styles for WebAssembly tables.


Sentinel value indicating that wasm has been interrupted.

Version number of this crate.

The number of pages we can have before we run out of byte index space.

WebAssembly page sizes are defined to be 64KiB.


An implementation of a compiler from parsed WebAssembly module to native code.

Trait used for the ptr representation of the field of VMOffsets


Returns the reference type to use for the provided wasm type.

Type Definitions